Sunday, November 25, 2007

Things to be thankful for

time to eat!
Originally uploaded by dutchlop.
This past Thursday was Thanksgiving in the USA. Originally, this holiday was celebrated to give thanks for the fall harvest, dating back to the 1600's and the times of the Pilgrims in America. Now days, it is a day when people gather with their families and eat a large meal, usually with turkey, stuffing, potatoes, green beans, cranberries, squash, and pumpkin pie. Then the afternoon is spent trying to digest all this food...traditionally watching (American) football on tv. Ahh...the memories.

I enjoy this holiday, but this was not the first time I have not been with my family on this day. This was the 3rd time I was not home in my 26 years. But for some reason, I was particularly nostalgic and sad that I was not home, at least in US where the general feeling of a holiday gets everyone all excited. I think the holiday, in combination with my problems with work, and for the first time I missed home...I was really sad.

But when I got home at 630, I was expecting lasagna for dinner, as we had previously discussed. But, M apparently left work early at 2 to come home and make a Thanksgiving meal for me to make me feel better. That was so sweet of him! Of course I immediately started crying. He made an excellent dinner, with pumpkin soup with feta, butternut squash, potato casserole, and a piece of turkey for me. Also some pumpkin pie afterwards! Bonus points for him!! ;-) It was really very sweet of him, and it helped my feelings of sadness disappear. I am very thankful for such a wonderful man in my life.


snapshotradio said...

aww that's so nice of matt!
the food sounds (and looked)
delicious. i hope you had a
happy thanksgiving after all :)

Lissa10279 said...

Oh that is sooo sweet, Christy!! Matt definately scored brownie points for that one--esp. for the piece of turkey for you! :) Love and hugs, Meliss