Wednesday, May 7, 2008

mega basketball overload

This past weekend I took part in a basketball tournament in Utrecht, the MIT (mega-international tournament), organized by the student basketball clubs at the university of Utrecht. There were 49 teams (apparently) from all over Europe - even as far away as Germany, England, and Prague. The theme was a 60's/hippie theme: peace, love, and basketball. It started Thursday afternoon and went til Sunday morning. Now, for those from afar brought sleeping bags and mattresses and slept in one of the gyms at night. But since this is Europe, who really sleeps anyways? Its all about the partying!! I was on a team with 7 other women, a mixed team from the two women's teams from my club. We had one game on Thursday, they played 4 on Friday (I couldn't because I had to work), we played 5 on Saturday, and one on Sunday morning. Its not your normal tourney 'bracket'...its just divided in pools and they found a winner based on wins and the point balance. Saturday the weather was fantastic, and between our games, we sat outside in the sun. I have a nice tan line from my socks/ankle braces....niiiice. I was really exhausted after 2-3 games...even though they are only 25 minutes each (not like real games). Each night there is a big party....but I only stuck around for the party on Saturday night. After 5 games, starting at 930am and the last one at 730pm...I was out til 2am at the bar at the sport club. I kinda was 'heavily encouraged' by M to stay, since I am very hesitant to stay out at bars in group situations like this--the loud music and people I don't know well enough and a language I can't really speak more than a normal conversation. But it turned out to be alright and actually a bit fun. Beer helps you loosen up and dance a bit more, but it also helps with speaking a different language... sunday we had a game at 1130am...and I was sweating all that beer off. We ended up 3rd of 6 teams in our pool. not too shabby. It was fun, and I'll do it again next year if we're in Utrecht then.

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