Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas markets in Cologne

Christmas markets at the Dom
Originally uploaded by dutchlop.
This past Sunday, M and I went to Cologne, Germany, on the train, for the Christmas markets! It just happened to be my birthday as well on Sunday. We went because it was the only free day we had, not necessarily because it was my birthday. We went there 4 years ago in 2003, and it is such a nice atmosphere, we wanted to go again (or he was nice and suggested we go). So, a 2 hour train ride, and there we are in the center of Cologne. There are I think 7 Christmas markets around the city. We walked all afternoon, and got to 5 of them I think (the other 2 you have to pay for!). The weather cooperated and it was nice, but of course, a bit cold. Since it was Sunday, none of the stores were open! That was a bummer, I wanted to buy some shoes!

The city was packed full of thousands of people, and it was just inching along as you were in the markets. I didn't look much at the stuff, since some of it is kitchy. But of course I spent more time with the food! We knew where to go for potato pancakes-- and we bought those first! Yum! And later I had a big bratwurst (not the american/sheboygan kind) which was like a foot long! We also made time for some cake/apfelstrudel and hot chocolate. yum! But I was so full that for dinner I did not want any more meat or anything heavy. Funny enough, we went this place called "Chicago Steakhouse" and they had a salad bar, not up to normal US standards, but they had one. So i had a big salad and some soup and I was good. Oh yeah, and we also went to Starbucks, since there isn't Starbucks in the Netherlands (although, they just opened one in the terminal at the airport...but you have to be a passenger to buy it. Not that I think Starbucks is the best, but its nice to have flavored coffee instead of this dutch koffie). A grande -small- was really too much for me to drink. I'm used to smaller portions now.

The day didn't end so well though. At 840pm our train was leaving. So we got to the track a bit before 830. There was a big steam engine on the track, pulling the train, it must have been some special tour thing. But as it was pulling out, all the steam went up into the air but got trapped by the glass ceiling. It must have condensed very quickly, as I felt these big drops falling down on me, it was dirty steam water or oil, I don't know, but it fell on ME ONLY for some reason, and on my head, glasses and worst of all, on my pink wool jacket. So we went to the customer service as fast as we could and luckily were able to see someone in the 10 minutes we had left....just to ask for a number for the DB (Deutsche Bahn- train company) where we could file a complaint, and hopefully get them to pay for the cleaning or the jacket. It could be ruined if its oil. Even dirt is not easy to get out on a pink jacket. Oh well, I can't control anything. But we made our train and back home by 1130pm. And of course, it was raining here when we got back.

Next Christmas, I may try another Christmas market in Belgium or in London, even though its the German food that draws me back to Cologne!

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