Friday, February 29, 2008
tram ongeluk
Anyways, that is the first accident I've ever witnessed involving a tram, and thank goodness. It could be a pretty unpleasant sight to see if it involved a person. I'm shocked that more people aren't killed by these things every day! This tram had its side window blown out, and several dents/scrapes. The truck lost its bumper and a few other parts. But, I just had to snap this pic and run off to the metro so I could make my train.
The next day at lunch I walked here too, and almost the same exact thing happened again as I was crossing the street---I must be a distraction to these drivers in my pink jacket or something! But the look on the drivers face and the jump he made in his seats when he realized that there was a tram right next to him--priceless!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
the new place to pick up a date
I know my photographic skills on my camera phone are rather lacking, especially since i was trying to be not so obvious about taking a picture of a heater...but about a month ago, the railways introduced this heater (the red column in the center) on 2 platforms at the station I get out at in Amsterdam. They run on solar energy and supposedly only operate under 12degrees C. They are trying them out at this station to see if its worth introducing in the rest of the Netherlands. Its based on a project at Gare du Nord in Paris.
I think its a great idea- one is not enough for the hundreds of people there...but as long as the smokers are not illegally out of their designated smoking area and hogging all the warmth, its a great idea!
The DC Metro could definitely invest in these too!! But I suppose they would be defaced and broken within a week's time.
I can see this as the new place to pick up a date. Used to be the bar or a club...but why not standing around the heater at the train station waiting for a train? How romantic, huddling together around the sphere of heat. heheh..soo...where are you off to on the train?....can i have your number?
Friday, February 22, 2008
That was a short tour
But at least he waited til after Super Tuesday, when he got Arnold Schwarzenegger on a live sat-link to prove they really are friends...
Well, perfect timing...I'm in search of a job, and here's a vacancy...I'm available!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Earth to Christy, do you copy?
As I search for a new job, one of the number one points for qualification is: excellent communication in a multicultural environment. Sure, I've studied abroad, heck I LIVE abroad now. I am forced to interact in a multicultural environment, so I think I've got that covered. I've worked with many people of different backgrounds in my last 10 plus years of job experience. But I've never had such an experience of non-communication as I've had here. There is a clear divide between two groups, and while I want to think it is cultural, it isn't: I've realized it is a division based on a background of professional and educational experience- you either have it or you don't. I have experienced many times in the last 6 months, how either the lack of communication or over-communication can affect 'team spirit' or team cooperation. This greatly frustrates me. It not only affects my job performance, but also definitely job satisfaction. And of course those not as experienced in working in a professional environment can still want to work to better themselves, to try...but many don't and just settle with what they have. I don't want to settle for this current state of affairs in my 'team' here, and that is the reason I am trying to look elsewhere in search of personal and professional satisfaction. I've been here almost six months, and during this time I've realized that even though several people try to change it for the better, it will just remain the same unless everyone wants to improve (even then it may not!!). But the fact of the situation is that not everyone does.
So in the workplace (even when English is spoken), with the lack of verbal communication, the focus on non-verbal communication also becomes important. What does mindless talking really communicate anyways? What does non-response really communicate? What does emailing a person sitting 2 feet away from you but not even saying good morning to them really mean? What does fleeing a problem really show me? I've been figuring out over the last several months, just because you can speak the language (whatever common language that is between two people), doesn't mean you can always communicate.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Winter sunset
This picture was taken somewhere in western Ohio last year, as I was driving west towards WI. It was a nice drive thru the rural US, and while I was sad that I had just left some good friends and good times behind me, the drive gave me lots of time to reflect on the past and what i was leaving that for and what I was about to do.
I really enjoy driving, and I miss being able to do that. That is my alone time, my thinking time, to sit back and watch the world go by.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I can stay!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Its a Super Week!
Wednesday morning at the US Embassy in The Hague, there was a "Super Tuesday Breakfast"...starting at 630am. On Wednesday morning here, it is still Tuesday in the US, and the results are coming in. At that point in the day, it was being declared that CA went to Clinton. They dedicated several minutes to this party on the morning news, even reporting live from there (not normal to report live from somewhere here in Holland), and interviewing the ambassador. They showed some nice doughnuts too, that two 20 something year old girls were serving and saying, "yes, typical American". Ah, the things we are known for around the world. Since Schwarzenegger is good friends with the ambassador here, he had a live feed to Arnold in Vegas, saying hello to his friend and to the embassy. American glitz and glamor! Even thousands of miles away!
The main point of this, is that there is a great interest and concern about the choice for president in the US, as it means so much for world politics, economics, peace, and stability.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
How to commit a perfect murder: the van der sloot model
There is a 'famous' dutch crime journalist by the name of Peter deVries. Over the last month he secretly video taped conversations that Joran had in a car with his 'friend', an entrepreneur named Patrick (I think he's really his dealer). Patrick came to de Vries and offered to be an informant in order to help figure out what really happened in May 2005. Last week Thursday, the big news was that de Vries had undeniable evidence of Joran being guilty and solving the crime. His show on Sunday would reveal these tapes and what Joran said.
Friday night, on a different evening talk show, Joran said that it was all lies and he made it up to tell his friend what he wanted to hear. Yeah, I think that's the only defense you have left when you are caught on tape saying things of huge significance! And yeah, it was really stupid of him to do that, as he himself said to the hosts...but telling elaborate stories to a friend over several different days...why would you do that if 1. you didn't know him for that long and 2. you know you can't joke about something like this ???
Sunday the show aired and the tapes were revealed with the most crucial information concerning the disappearance of Natalee was shown. It was a taped confession basically...and that she's 'never to be found again'. With his typical arrogance and non-concern or remorse for a girl's life or that he could even be jailed for murder...he told this story to his friend while smoking joins in this outfitted Range Rover. The show was 2 hrs long, and over 7 million people watched it, that is the highest rating of a non-sport show in the NL since they began the ratings of public tv in 1989 or so. There are 16 million people who live in this country. After the show aired, a mob of people gathered around the house of his grandmother in a city in Friesland where he was rumored to be in hiding. They even checked all the taxi cabs leaving the building complex if he was inside...what they would have done then, I don't know.
And the even more amazing thing is that the prosecution in Aruba is not pursuing his arrest!! In the US, that would be a taped confession and enough evidence to find someone guilty. So, we're not in the US....he's a free man and he confessed to dumping her body in an ocean (or he said he had a friend do it)....without even really knowing if she was dead already or not! He even has earned money as compensation for being jailed in the past and not being charged (different rules in Holland!). he got money for being on tv shows here. But I would hope that the money rolling in stops here. I'm surprised so many people are interested in it here...and so many people do believe he is guilty and was telling the truth in those tapes. It was front page news from Thursday last week til now. No one has seen him or heard from him since Sunday. If he thinks he's really free...I have no idea how he can go on with attending school normally, getting a job, or living peacefully here. It won't happen.
Maybe its a good thing that this all happened between the Super Bowl and Super Tuesday. It got a lot of air time in the US, based on what I've seen and read here. Peter de Vries is the hero (adds to his ego) and will be on Larry King Live, Oprah, and all the other cable news network programs. If it weren't for the super days...this would be on the news all the time 24/7. I see enough of that disgusting guy (Joran) on tv as it is. I just wish he would be jailed for what he's admitted to doing! He's a messed up manic guy who is so arrogant he thinks he's untouchable. He needs to wake up and get out of his own cloud of marijuana smoke and smell the sloppy 'mystery meat' meal in an Aruban jail.