Sunday, April 15, 2007

A backwards day

I amsterdam
Originally uploaded by dutchlop.
Today was a very long day. Considering I was out last night (wow!) for a girls' night at the movies with my friend Vivi and her other 4 dutch girl friends (we saw Transylvannia...very odd French movie), and I didn't get home til 130am..and then I didn't sleep b/c of the caffine in my cola light. I still had to 'wake up' at 545am, as M had a plane to catch, the 935am british midlands flight to Heathrow, then a flight to San Francisco for the AAG Conference. I'm jealous of course, not only b/c he gets a free vacation, but that he is going to my home country without me! AND i will miss him too, of course! he'll be gone for 9 days! It was a first that he left ME at schipol, and I was left there alone. While it is only for 9 days, I am still sad. Now that I am home alone here, at night, that is when it is most lonely.

But, on the other hand, i had a splendid day in Amsterdam on my own. The weather was beautiful, in the upper 70s, I walked all the way from Amsterdam Centraal to the Museumplein, I spent an hour and a half at the Van Gogh Museum. Always a nice place to visit. Of course on a Sunday its full of tourists/visitors. Then at 1, I met a group of about 12 ladies at Cafe de Jaren near the University in the center. I just recently joined a listserv for young expats in Amsterdam, and some of the girls decided to get together for a lunch to meet some others; we were mostly all new to each other. there were some canadians, americans, a brit, a romanian, south african, greek and belgian. they were all very nice, and the majority of them are here for love- for a dutch boy. we had lunch and some drinks and we were there for about 3 hours. a very nice afternoon. i really need to meet some girls and make some friends. it is important in order for me to make my life here.

then i walked around some more, back to the station and took the train back to utrecht. alone.
i amsterdam. i alone.

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