Not the sport per se, but is seems every time there is some gun shooting violence or a school shooting, the Michael Moore film 'Bowling for Columbine' resurfaces. And I don't think it was scheduled, it wasn't just some coincidence. Of course they added it in their lineup after Monday's shootings. Granted it started at 1155pm, and it was a Belgian channel...but it was still on. I think the Dutch hold MM in high regard. its like half the population bases their knowledge and opinion on US culture and laws from MM movies. and i will watch a MM film and find it interesting, I like the fact that he challenges ideas, people, and ways-of-life in the US...i also know he's not 100% correct all the time and I know that he is editing things to his advantage, he is the filmmaker after all. I believe he's working on a new film, which will just add more to the general dutch knowledge base on the USA. I just thought it was a hilarious 'coincidence' that Bowling for Columbine came we all have to be reminded of how crazy and out of control our gun culture there is only one explanation to what happened on Monday, and how it is exactly like columbine. no its not. the only thing in common, these boys were all messed up in the head. and they killed people with guns.
But MM must be secretly kind of happy when shootings like this happen...his movies are shown more often on more channels, specifically in Europe I'm sure, and he makes more money. Smart.
I heard one of the volunteer medical responders on the news today...he said the eeriest and saddest thing was putting these bodies into body bags, and their cell phones kept ringing and vibrating, all their calls being unanswered. that is really sad. these poor people had no chance at all. 2 seconds after he would go in the door, their life is over. all those teachers. why target these people? what the hell would make him so mad? why take 32 other lives ...just take your own!! what the hell made him snap?
I'm sick of all the dutchies pointing their fingers at the US. yeah i agree that we need much stronger gun control laws...but can we all get past that point, its obviously not going to change...and not anytime move on and stop saying this could be prevented. it can't! if we had gun laws, he would use other means I'm sure. or have an illegal gun. just yesterday the mayor of Nagasaki was shot down and they have strict laws. he died today. no one expected the murder of Pim Fortuyn here in Holland 5 years ago. of Theo Van Gogh in 2004. Shit happens, people will murder others if they are that mentally sick. our gun laws just don't help with that i suppose, they make it easier. i am sure that the real, educated Dutch people do feel the pain and sadness of this all and aren't pointing a finger at someone. i think there's a difference between questioning things and pointing fingers and criticizing. while changing beds at the youth hostel today, the person i was working with (a dutchie) agrees with me...and agrees that a lot of dutch point fingers.
I'm not the biggest patriot or supporter of all and everything US related, but for some reason I often feel I have to defend my native land while here in the NL. Although, I do know i'm categorizing a whole country as finger pointers, i know this is not the case and it is not everyone. i know that there are logical, smart, compassionate Dutch people , who can put aside their thoughts and views on gun control laws, and see this for what it is first of all...that it is a horrible tragedy and 33 innocent, bright, and much loved people lost their lives.
***extra note added***I know its not the Dutch alone, many people in many countries are "questioning" our gun laws and culture of violence...I have only just really read comments from a Dutch website, so that is where I am coming from. I know many americans too are pointing fingers and criticizing...but I think they have the right to more so than other nationals, since its their own democracy and culture that they are living in. I just want to clear that up. I focus on the dutch since I am living here now.
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