Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Someone sniffed out my previous blog posting...

rosie close up
Originally uploaded by dutchlop.
It seems I touched a nerve on my previous blog post, re racism in Holland....read the comments below it by clicking on the link. I didn't even mean to open a discussion on racism in Holland, but rather the fact that the show itself had racist overtones to it! Anyways, I think its fun to get comments, esp from people I don't even know!

So I wanted change it up and not get all controversial and post this image of ...of course, a bunny nose. This cute nose and whiskers belong to Rosie, my bunny.

Last night I played some basketball again with the student league at the University. We actually tried incorporating a play as part of our offense. It probably only worked once, as it was never fully run through otherwise. The guard on the team doesn't wait for people to put the play in motion for it to work...he just takes off and does his one man stunts. I scored once, but probably only touched the ball like 6 or 7 times. Its fun to play with a team again, but its frustrating when some people, who even know how it should be played, still don't work as a team. Oh well, we won. I should just be happy that I'm able to play with them, esp when that is my only time to actually interact with other people, even if it is not so verbal. And I am glad I'm able to participate. I am thinking about trying to join a ex-student basketball association....I would have to practice with the team 3 times, and then the coach would make a decision if I'm good enough to join. There are 2 girls teams/levels on the particular team i'm looking at. They play other girls teams within the province of Utrecht. I would love to join a team where there is some organization, plays are run, and everyone has a role on the team. I will have to look into that.

Today I also kept myself busy...I had a free pass to the gym closest to me, and I went to 2 classes this morning to try it out. I did Bodyshape and Pilates. Pilates is pretty tough, never did that before. I was able to follow along pretty well to Bodyshape despite the language barrier. There is one other gym I am thinking about...they offer more classes during the day time, when I'd like to keep myself busy, since M is home at night. But the other gym is nicer/cleaner/classier but of course a bit further away and more expensive. I can't make a choice!

And M arranged a meeting for me today at 1 with a neighborhood organization, they give some language classes once a week, focusing on speaking, which is what I need to work on. Its interesting, because the immigrants they work with are usually the uneducated non-westerners....they have writing and reading classes in Dutch, and I said that I could also improve on that...and the woman who met with me during this 'intake afspraak' said that was if I needed to learn the alphabet first. She thought this was not appropriate for me, since I have a masters degree. So maybe I will be in a class once a week...I have to wait to see if they have space in a class, and then i'll get a letter in the mail. More waiting time.

But at least some things are happening.


mattyschell said...

Oh no, not again. You've completely misunderstood the entire "cute" bunny thing. There most certainly is absolutely nothing intrinsically cute about your bunny. I don't know how long you've been in the Netherlands, but here's some advice: keep your cuteist prejudices to yourself, and try to see bunnies as bunnies.

Christy said...

Man, I'm really getting out of control in such a 'liberal' country huh...or maybe being isolated at home with the bunnies makes me part of a 'mixed family'...and i'm blinded by my inside look at my bunny culture. but this is my blog and i will continue to post about my observations on cute bunnies...sorry if i so offended you, i dont want to appear as prejudiced towards bunnies. i will work my interpersonal relationship skills, ok?